Repair Service Request
- Fill out the form so we know your machine will be arriving soon.
- If the shuffler is out of warranty, pay the "off warranty repair" fee.
- Send your product back to us.
Download and fill out this form: Repair Form
Email it to us via the contact form: Contact Us
The ST-1000 and MD-6 have 1-year mechanical warranties. If your order date is before 03-29-2024, please purchase an off warranty repair:
$149.99Read more
Please return the shuffler only. Do not include presentation tray, adapter(s) or cards. We will NOT be able to service any units with serial numbers older than B13000. Please call our service department at 904-587-0096 with any questions about your return.
Return Unit to:
Belford Electronics, Inc.
Attn: Shuffle Tech Service Dept
1460 Jeffrey Dr
Addison, IL 60101 USA